Why Choosing Separate Suppliers for Your RMM and Backup Systems is a Smart Move

In the realm of IT infrastructure management, the decision to source Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) tools and Backup systems often leads to a critical crossroads: should an organization opt for the convenience of a single supplier, or is it wiser to choose separate providers for each service? While the former might seem like a streamlined approach, there are compelling reasons to consider the latter. In this post, we’ll explore why selecting different suppliers for your RMM and Backup systems can be a strategic advantage.

Single Point of Failure:

One of the most significant risks of relying on a single supplier for both RMM and Backup services is the creation of a single point of failure. If this supplier encounters issues, both essential services could be compromised simultaneously, posing a severe threat to operational continuity.

Lack of Specialization:

Suppliers offering both RMM and Backup solutions may not excel in either. This jack-of-all-trades approach can lead to services that are adequate but not exceptional. Specialized providers, on the other hand, are likely to offer more advanced and effective solutions in their specific domain.

Vendor Lock-In Risks:

Using the same supplier for multiple critical services can lead to vendor lock-in. This dependency can make it challenging to negotiate terms, adapt to evolving needs, or switch providers without significant disruption and cost.

Compliance and Security Considerations:

Diversifying your suppliers can also be beneficial from a compliance and security standpoint. Different providers may offer varying levels of security measures and compliance with industry standards, which is crucial in today’s complex regulatory environment.

Advantages of Separate Suppliers:

  • Enhanced Specialization and Performance: Separate suppliers often provide more focused and high-quality services in their area of expertise.
  • Increased Flexibility and Scalability: Different suppliers can offer more tailored solutions that can scale according to specific organizational needs.
  • Risk Mitigation: Using diverse suppliers reduces the risk of simultaneous failure, enhancing overall operational resilience.


While the allure of a one-stop-shop for RMM and Backup systems is understandable, the benefits of choosing separate, specialized suppliers are clear. Organizations should consider the risks of a single point of failure, lack of specialization, vendor lock-in, and compliance issues when making their decision. By opting for separate providers, companies can enjoy more specialized services, increased flexibility, and a more robust security posture.

As you evaluate your organization’s RMM and Backup needs, consider the long-term implications of your supplier choices. Diversifying your providers is not just about avoiding risks; it’s about optimizing your IT infrastructure for reliability, scalability, and security.