How Vitanium can help
Vitanium have been providing backup and data protection solutions for over 200 schools, colleges and universities across the UK and have been in the backup sector for over 15 years. Vitanium are also ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 certified and are fully GDPR compliant so meet all compliance and security requirements.

Case Study
They were struggling with this
Following several incidents of ransomware attack at nearby schools, a Kent based school had decided it was time to review their existing backup system.
The attacks had a massive impact on both the running of the schools and their ability to teach pupils.
The incumbent system used tape and required manual human intervention to rotate tapes and also take off-site. The school used a variety of systems including virtualisation via VMWare and some physical servers, and rely on their SIMS system to manage day to day pupil information.
We were able to help with
Vitanium was able to identify gaps in their current protection and implemented a Veeam solution to address them.
Local storage was deployed to allow quick local backup and restoration of both virtualised and physical machines. Granular restore of individual files was achieved via Veeams FLR technology.
Utilising Vitaniums Cloud Connect platform offsite backups were easily achieved, insider protection was enabled to offer basic ransomware protection.
Several mission critical Virtual Machines were also configured to backup to Vitaniums object storage platform utilising Object Lock for complete ransomware protection.
We managed to achieve
Ransomware Protection
Critical virtual machines backups are made immutable via Object Lock on Vitaniums storage platform.
Elimination of human error
There is no longer any need for manual tape rotation or remembering to take tapes offsite.
Fast DR
Backups can be spun up in a couple of minutes directly from local storage, meaning systems such as SIMS meet the short RTO required.
Achieved the 3-2-1 rule
Implementing both onsite and offsite backups the school is now following the backup industry’s best practise.
Monitoring and Reporting
Vitaniums sophisticated alert and reporting systems means issues are identified and fixed quickly.
Initial Seed Load
To ensure usable backups were available in the shortest possible time the school used Vitaniums seed load facility to ship initial backups via USB.
Data Locality and Security
Vitanium only use Tier3+ UK data centres with ISO27001 accreditations, no data ever leaves the UK shores.